Before a cosmetics product can be placed in the UK or EU market, it is necessary to register or provide ‘notification’ of the product on the UK (OPSS) & OR EU Cosmetic Product Notification (CPNP). This means that in order to sell your product under your own brand within the UK or the EU you must register on the appropriate website, the ‘Responsible Person’ for your company must ensure the details are uploaded into the CPNP/OPSS.
Please note that your responsible person along with their registered address needs to be in your choice of union of either Europe or the United Kingdom. This means if you choose to sell in the UK your responsible person needs to be UK registered and if you sell within the EU your responsible person needs to be a registered EU resident. Relevant addresses for your responsible person will need to be displayed on your product.
Portal Upload Service
To make things easier, Hera Beauty can upload your information onto the UK portal (OPSS) and link the products to your account. This is charged as follows;
OPSS Fee: £60.00 + VAT
Please note we can only provide you with this service if your labels are printed by Hera Beauty and your responsible persons name and address is compliant with the above requirements.
Please Contact Us if you’d like more information on these services.